Sunday, November 23, 2014

Auto Immune and Rejection of surgical implants

I've been a guinea pig of sorts for years now.  I'm one of those women that when my body does something - it does it on hyper drive.   
I have Hashimoto Syndrome - an antibody that kills the thyroid gland.  The thyroid has huge control over the endocryn system so the body goes into a hide and seek set of symptoms.  It mimics this and that and the other thing - and it takes someone on their game to go "hmmm lets look for xyz".   When mine came on - it brought on an added condition that was still 10 years+ away from having a name - DISH - Diffuse Idiopathic Spondolytic Hypertosis.  Many in medicine still have not linked it to Hashimoto Syndrome - but they're getting it.  That dears is another story -- I'll write it.
THIS ONE is for those that have a broad range of auto immune conditions.
If you are having to have say knee surgery, ankle surgery etc etc ... THIS IS VITAL.
Talk to your doctors - REFUSE to accept "disolvable" anything be in place in the body. 
No disolvable sutures, no disolvable "innert" plastic anchors. NOTHING.
May you've had a surgery that you had a low grade fever, incisions that would not heal etc. that resulted in a secondary surgery to "clean up"? 
I think we're part of what I think is a growing HOLY BAT SMOKE issue in the surgical field.

Our auto immune condition - sees  and objects  to something that SHOULD be Unseen - and sets about attacking it in an attempt to purge it from the body.
I've had 4 surgeries where this came roaring into focus.  It started with deep disolvable sutures -- the surface of the scar would not heal - and probing found that the sutures were still 100% intact, often coming unknotted - and encased in a mucous layer.   Plucked from the body - all pain goes away and the wound healed.  Hmmmmmm
Latest was a heel surgery for bone spurs where they had to disconnect the achilles.  The doc then did what his training said was the right course (even though I'd said my body doesn't deal with disolvables) .. he secured the achilles back to the heel using disolvable anchor screws and cross tissue sutures to support the connection while the body laid down scar tissue.
Yep - NO JOY.  Huge pain issues after surgery (very rare for me) - fever, (body presented with a broadspectrum staph response) and nothing was healing at the surface (onto a wound vac system).     This developed into what presented as a bone infection.   
Back to surgery.
What he found was a bit baffeling to him -- strong bone growth - except where the anchor screws and supporting sutures were in the heel!   Removed all anchors and disolvable sutures.
Response post operative - ZERO Pain, FAST wound healing and the achilles has grabbed onto the bone surface for dear life. :)

SO use surgical metal screws and inplants. 
Use surgical super glue to "lock it down".  YES it's a real thing! 

So Doctors, surgeons, auto immune research specialists -- think it's time to TALK !!!
Autoimmune Surgical Rejection - ASR - physiological rejection of "bio neutral" substances in an auto immune environment. 

Who's up for a discussion and some research.   I've got 24 surgeries in 14 years of data to share. :)